Master of Education Degree

The Master of Education degree program is designed to meet the academic and professional interests of a person working in the educational field. The College of Education offers Master of Education degrees in on-campus and online formats.

Program Plan

Upon admission to a Master of Education program, each student is assigned an academic advisor. The student and advisor plan a program of study to meet the student’s individual goals and general degree requirements. Departments may require that a copy of the program plan be kept on file.

Time Limits

Graduate students and advisors should be guided by the Graduate College policy on master’s degree time limits. If a time extension is desired, it may be requested by completing a Graduate Student Petition, including an Academic Progress Plan. These petitions are considered and acted upon by the student’s advisor, the department, and the Graduate College. Each individual who has the authority to act on the petition may either approve or deny the petition.

Course Requirements for Ed.M. Students

All students admitted to a Master of Education degree program must fulfill Graduate College requirements for the master’s degree, departmental requirements, and the following College of Education minimum requirements on the Urbana campus or through Urbana off-campus or online courses: