Applicability of Equalisation Levy under Section 165 & 165A

Applicability of Equalisation Levy as per section 165:

-Where service provider is a Non Resident.

-Service Recipient is Resident in India and Carrying business or profession

-Amount of Consideration exceeding Rs 1 Lakhs in a P.Y.

-Services used in India for carrying out business or profession.

Equalisation Levy - Paper cartons or parcel in cart and credit card on laptop keyboard

Applicability as per Section 165A:

Services covered under Equalisation Levy : The following services are covered under Section 165: ~

The following services are covered under Section 165A: ~

Rate of Tax : The applicable rate of tax is 6% of the gross consideration to be received or receivable under Section 165.

The applicable rate of tax is 2% of the gross consideration to be received or receivable under Section 165A.

Due Date for Deposit : Section 165:~

The equalisation levy so deducted during any calendar month shall be paid by every assessee by the seventh day of the month immediately following the said calendar month.

Section 165A:~

The equalisation levy so deducted during any calendar quarter shall be paid by every assessee by the seventh day of the month immediately following the said calendar quarter , except for the quarter 4 where the service recipient need to deposit on 31 st March.

Consequences of Delayed Payments : Interest is charged at 1% of the outstanding levy for every month or part thereof is delayed.

Non-Applicability of Equalisation Levy : For services under Section 165: ~

For the services under Section 165A: ~