VisionHagerstown 2035 is the City of Hagerstown's update to the City’s 2008 Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is a roadmap for how the city should plan for growth over the next 20 years and establishes a vision of what the community is to be in the future. As its name implies, the Plan covers many topics including Land Use, Transportation, Housing, Community Facilities, Water Resources, Economic Development, and Environmental Resources.
VisionHagerstown 2035 identifies issues and opportunities for each of these topics and then identifies policies and recommendations as to how to address them. Issues and opportunities are gathered through Staff analyses as well as input from City boards and commissions, County Planning Commission and staff, businesses, community groups, and citizens. Much of the Comprehensive Plan also incorporates previous City plans already vetted through the community, including the 2012 Sustainable Community Plan and The Community’s City Center Plan. The plan also incorporates, as appropriate, recommendations and conclusions from plans such as the Hagerstown-Eastern Panhandle Metropolitan Planning Organization (HEPMPO)’s 2040 Long-Range Transportation Plan, the City’s 2008-2010 Comprehensive Rezonings, and the 2012 County Urban Growth Area Rezonings.
Maryland State Law requires counties and municipalities to have a comprehensive plan, and that they should also be reviewed every 10 years.
VisionHagerstown 2035 has been adopted by the Mayor and City Council and is available for viewing! Click on each section to explore.
Cover, Table of Contents, and Executive Summary | Chapter 7 - Housing and Neighborhoods |
Chapter 1 - Introduction | Chapter 8 - Urban Design and Historic Preservation |
Chapter 2 - Growth Management and Land Use | Chapter 9 - Community Facilities |
Chapter 3 - Economic Development | Chapter 10 - Environmental Resources and Sustainability |
Chapter 4 - Water Resources | Chapter 11 - Implementation |
Chapter 5 - Transportation | Chapter 12 - Appendix |
Chapter 6 - Downtown |